Chemical Engineer’s Handbook
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Este libro es casi como la Biblia para el Ingeniero Químico. Uno de los manuales, handbook más conocidos de Ingeniería Química.
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Manual Perry del Ingeniero Químico
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Chapter 1. Conversion Factors and Mathematical Symbols
Chapter 2. Physical and Chemical Data
Chapter 3. Mathematics
Chapter 4. Thermodynamics
Chapter 5. Heat and Mass Transfer
Chapter 6. Fluid and Particle Dynamics
Chapter 7. Reaction Kinetics
Chapter 8. Process Control
Chapter 9. Process Economics
Chapter 10. Transport and Storage of Fluids
Chapter 11. Heat Transfer Equipment
Chapter 12. Psychrometry, Evaporative Cooling, and Solids Drying
Chapter 13. Distillation
Chapter 14. Gas Absorption and Gas-Liquid System Design
Chapter 15. Liquid-Liquid Extraction Operations and Equipment
Chapter 16. Adsorption and Ion Exchange
Chapter 17. Gas-Solid Operations and Equipment
Chapter 18. Liquid-Solid Operations and Equipment
Chapter 19. Solid-Solid Operations and Equipment
Chapter 20. Size Reduction and Size Enlargement
Chapter 21. Handling of Bulk Solids and Packaging of Solids and Liquids
Chapter 22. Alternative Separation Processes
Chapter 23. Chemical Reactors
Chapter 24. Biochemical Engineering
Chapter 25. Waste Management
Chapter 26. Process Safety
Chapter 27. Energy Resources, Conversion, and Utilization
Chapter 28. Materials of Construction
Chapter 29. Process Machinery Drives
Chapter 30. Analysis of Plant Performance
- Hardcover: 3000 pages
- Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional; 1 edition (July 26, 1999)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0071355405
- ISBN-13: 978-0071355407
- Product Dimensions: 10.6 x 8.4 x 5 inches
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10 de diciembre de 2008, 13:34
Gracias colega.
21 de marzo de 2009, 21:27
6 de noviembre de 2009, 1:35
15 de marzo de 2010, 10:00
This thing smells like snake oil, but as far as the high voltage inverters are concerned, it's a lot easier than you guys are thinking. They simply have a stack of fiber-optic driven photoIGBTs, that are all insulated at the gate. With that, there's no theoretical limit on voltage. Just don't open circuit on one of them before the others (kaboom!). They have to be perfectly coordinated.
12 de mayo de 2010, 17:08
Estoy buscando una tabla de volatibilidad relativa & concentracion alcoholica, que contiene todods los elementos, o casi todos, que se separan en la rectificacion del alcohol por destilacion.
Donde la puedo hayar por favor? Gracias
12 de mayo de 2010, 17:12
Pues como no esté en el Perry.
Lo siento no puedo ayudarte más que con esto :(
21 de octubre de 2010, 3:32
amigo tienes perry 7th la que tiene links en la hoja del indice para ir a la pagina deseada desde el indice lo vi pero nose si es este??? mil gracias
16 de noviembre de 2010, 19:18
como busco o donde encuentro seles de carbono
6 de marzo de 2012, 12:00
Busco el coeficiente Van't Hoff medido para el nirato potásico, KNO3, potassium nitrate
I'm looking for KNO3, potassium nitrate MEASURED VAN'T HOFF coefficient.