The periodic coffee table. La mesa periódica.
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Chemical element,
Periodic table,
tabla periodica
Image via Wikipedia
The periodic coffee table.
La mesa periódica.
Bueno esto es un juego de palabras en inglés, que no sé traducir para que haga juego en español. Se trata de una mesita de café en la que se representa una tabla periódica de los elementos químicos. Lo mejor es que no sólo se representan los datos típicos de cada elemento, sino que hay una muestra de cada una de las sustancias. Así te puedes tomar un café al mismo tiempo que aprendes un poquito.

Science has never been glamorous, maybe the 'periodic coffee table' will change all that. at first glance it just looks like a glass plate with the periodic table on it, after a closer look you realize it actually has samples of each of the elements under the symbol. the wooden frame is made from burred oak and the samples are embedded in acrylic blocks that are illuminated. the table can also be custom made. so maybe next time you're enjoying that coffee you can learn an element or two.

Science has never been glamorous, maybe the 'periodic coffee table' will change all that. at first glance it just looks like a glass plate with the periodic table on it, after a closer look you realize it actually has samples of each of the elements under the symbol. the wooden frame is made from burred oak and the samples are embedded in acrylic blocks that are illuminated. the table can also be custom made. so maybe next time you're enjoying that coffee you can learn an element or two.
Este es otro modelo distinto de mesa periodica de los elementos químicos:

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25 de noviembre de 2008, 10:30
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